Old School
“ The Goonies never say Die”
I és que per ser un Goonie no necessites viure aventures ni anar a la recerca d’un tresor pirata. Ser un Goonie significa viure el moment i tenir passió i tenacitat per perseguir els teus somnis i fer-los realitat. Ser un Goonie implica tenir valors com l’amistat, la sinceritat i l’autenticitat. Ser un Goonie és viure la vida lliure i plenament, fent de cada dia una aventura.
Què et sembla? Tu també ets una Goonie com jo?
“The Goonies Never say Die”
To be a Goonie, you don't need to live adventures or try to find a pirate treasure. Being a Goonie means living the moment and having passion and tenacity to pursue your dreams and make them come true. Being a Goonie means having values like friendship, sincerity and authenticity. Being a Goonie is to live your life freely and fully, making every day an adventure.
What do you think about it? Are you also a Goonie like me?