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Flor de Lotus

Vaig crear la meva col·lecció de Flor de Lotus el 2008, inspirada en el simbolisme d'aquesta flor i la influència que va tenir a l'antic Egipte.

La flor de lotus va ser un dels símbols més importants de l'antiga religió egípcia. Anomenada "seshen", la flor era un símbol de l'Alt Egipte i representava la creació i el renaixement ja que la flor tanca els pètals a la nit i els torna a obrir al matí.

Aquesta és també la raó per la qual la flor de lotus es va associar amb els morts que entraven en el submon per renèixer-hi. Hi ha una llegenda de la mitologia egípcia que suggereix que el sol va nèixer d’una flor de lotus, mentre que un altre suggereix que una flor de lotus va sortir de l’interminable oceà “Nun” i va donar a llum al déu egipci del sol quan va florir.

A l’antic Egipte, la sexualitat també estava interconnectada amb la creació; i era normalment representada amb la flor de lotus. Com que es pensava que era una mostra de fertilitat, les dones sovint eren representades amb flors, expressant el seu desig sexual i la seva fertilitat.

Aquí hi ha un poema sensual que em va inspirar per connectar el simbolisme de la Flor de Lotus amb la fertilitat i la feminitat.

O my god, my lotus flower! . . .
It is lovely to go out and . . .
I love to go and bathe before you.
I allow you to see my beauty
in a dress of the finest linen,
drenched with fragrant unguent.
I go down into the water to be with you
and come up to you again with a red fish,
looking splendid on my fingers.
I place it before you . . .
Come! Look at me!

Inspirada en la bellesa de les dones, el poder de la feminitat, la essència de la sensualitat i sexualitat femenines. La màgia de la creació de vida.

......... ENGLISH .........

I created my Lotus Flower collection on 2008 inspired by the symbolism of this flower and the influence it had in Ancient Egypt. 

The lotus flower was one of the most important symbols in the ancient Egyptian religion. Called as “seshen”, the flower was a symbol of Upper Egypt and represented creation and rebirth.

It was considered a symbol of rebirth and recreation since it closes its petals at night and opens them back again in the morning.

This is also the reason why the lotus flower was associated with the dead entering the underworld to be reborn there. There is a legend in Egyptian mythology which suggests that the sun rose out of a lotus flower while another one suggests that a lotus flower came out of the endless ocean “Nun” and gave birth to the Egyptian god of sun when it bloomed.

In ancient Egypt, sexuality was also interconnected with creation; they commonly represented this with the lotus flower. Since it was thought to be a token of fertility, women were often portrayed with flowers, expressing their sexual desire and fertility.

Here’s a sensual poem that inspired me to connect the Lotus Flower symbolism to fertility and feminity.

O my god, my lotus flower! . . .
It is lovely to go out and . . .
I love to go and bathe before you.
I allow you to see my beauty
in a dress of the finest linen,
drenched with fragrant unguent.
I go down into the water to be with you
and come up to you again with a red fish,
looking splendid on my fingers.
I place it before you . . .
Come! Look at me!

Inspired in the beauty of women, the power of feminity, the essence of sensuality and sexuality. The magic of life creation.